Why Should You Give Thanksgiving and Praise

Nov 6, 2021

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you

He took away your unrighteous and gave you His righteousness, and made you brand new

Be thankful because He redeemed you from the curse of the law

Sickness and disease, poverty, and spiritual death; you have been redeemed from them all

Let heaven and earth give him thanksgiving and praise for he is called, I AM THAT I AM

He took your place at Calvary through His supreme sacrifice, as the blood of the Lamb

Why should you give Him thanksgiving and praise? It’s because you have been blessed by His hand

Everything that pertains to life and Godliness has been placed in you by His command

Why do you imagine vain things in your heart? Have you forgotten who you are?

You are a Child of God, and He is the Lily of the valley, your Bright and Morning Star

Why do you listen to the devil’s lies saying that you have nothing else to give

Behold! You have the Greater One living inside you, and He has given you a reason to live

Why should you give God a heart of thanksgiving and praise?

Because He will never leave, nor forsake you and will be with you all of your days

Lift up your eyes and take a look at His Holy hill from where your help comes from

Your future is bright, so stir up yourself in the Holy Ghost, for your work on earth is not done

Why can you give God thanksgiving and praise in the time that you are living in now?

Because God is on your side and He will protect and bring you out, even when you don't know how

Refocus your thought life back to God and repent of the evil thoughts that you have been living in

Return back to God's Word and receive His thoughts, and you will be refreshed and renewed again

Why should you give God thanksgiving and praise all of your days?

Because there are many things that you have been blessed with in many different ways

A home, spouse, family, job, health, church, financial blessings, Words of Faith, just to name a few

Be filled with praise because there are many more blessings that God has given to you

So, now you have many reasons why you can give God thanksgiving and praise

It is the way for you to be full of His joy in your life in all of your days