How to keep the one you Love in Marriage

November 4, 2021

Love in marriage must be on display so that a relationship can last for a lifetime

To keep love active, both husband and wife must be pleasant, gentle and kind

The enemy wants to come in and destroy marriages, but he must have your permission

If you do not speak love toward each other, then you have open the door for division

If you yell and spew out hateful words toward each other, then your marriage will be on edge

Because strife and discord in the home will give the devil permission to drive in a wedge

Many marriages have been destroyed because they did not abide by the Golden Rule

Each one had taken each other for granted and because of carelessness, they became fools

It takes a husband and a wife together to have a long and successful marriage

When they walk in love with each other, then they won’t experience a marital miscarriage

No matter how long you have been married, love must always be on display

If you want to keep the one you love in marriage, then you must do it God's way

Get started right now and respond to one another in love, and then it won’t be long

That when you speak kind words to each other, your marriage will then become strong