A Message for Pastors
Nov 21 , 2021
There are many who have left the church because of covid nineteen
They were moved by fear on what they heard and what they have seen
Some left because of political reasons and things they disagreed
So, out the door they went and told others that they are going to leave
They stepped down from their position, and suddenly, left the fold
But the sad truth of it all is God didn’t tell them to go
Many pastors are amazed on a lack of spiritual maturity within the flock
Because they built their house on sand and not on Christ Jesus, the Rock
They left their place of serving in the ministry by leaving their post
It was their own decision for they were not led by the Holy Ghost
They were led by their flesh and made the decision to leave on their own
They left the place where God had planted them from where they belong
Don’t focus on those who have left you with an empty position
God will fill it again with someone else who is already in transition
They said they haven’t quit the church, and very soon will return
But they have created a habit of missing and no longer yearn
This is happening all over the world within the Body of Christ
For many have went AWOL, refusing to commit and pay the price
But this will not stop the church from fulfilling God’s plan of action
What the devil is doing is causing a move of a Holy Ghost reaction
Pastors! Lift up your voice to God with thanksgiving, praise and a shout
He is sending reinforcements to the church and is working everything out
The Word and the Spirit will continue to supernaturally move and flow
And the church will become stronger and will continue to grow
There will be some who will have a desire to come back home
For they were deceived and will return back to where they belong