Written by Pastor Moss
Inspired from the Beverly Hillbillies Song
Let me tell you a story about a man name Jed
The poor young man barely keep his family fed
And then one day when he knelt to God in prayer
The Holy Spirit said, Hey Jed! Get up from there
He sprung to his feet and said, Lord I will obey
Speak to me now and say what you need to say
The Spirit of God responded and said, Jed you need to go
Go through the scriptures and learn how to sow
You have not been giving to me, you have held back
This is why you’re suffering and why you lived in lack
Prosperity will come, just be patient and believe
You will see it soon if you will sow your seed
Even though you plant your seed and it seems to be too slow
Remember, stay in faith when you bring your seed to sow
So, Jed said, Ok Lord, what you said I will do
He said with great excitement, my finances now belongs to you
As time moved on and things began to change
God began to move and his finances re-arranged
Jed noticed that his family was now being fed
For now he’s walking in the light and being Spirit led
The story that you heard about Jed who learned to sow
With God as his source, his finances began to flow
Because one day when he knelt to God in prayer
He received a revelation from God who met him there