Message for the Local Church 

Written December 9, 2021 Thursday at 4:30 am 

Protect your spirit at all cost by guarding the thoughts that you entertain 

Don't bring division to a sheepfold by leaving and doing your own thing 

Don't show dishonor to your pastor because you think that you have a call

Love worketh no evil toward others, so don’t leave your position and go AWOL

Many lives have been destroyed by those who divided the flock for their own gain

They were not called to pastor, they just stepped into the wrong direction and lane

Everyone is not called to the pastoral ministry, but many are called to serve

If you leave without your pastor's blessing, then your life will turn and swerve

You have been taught the Word by your pastor who has brought you to the light

Then show honor to him by receiving his wise counsel and insight

He trained you in ministry because he recognized the gift that was in you

Always speak well of him and show honor for the training he brought you through

If you transfer yourself into a position where God has not anointed you to be

You will have struggles in life, it could be in your body, family or in ministry

You may see some results from the preaching of the Word when it is received

Because God will still bless His people when they hear the word and believe

Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are anointed for a special call

If you try to put yourself in their shoes without God, then you will surely fall

You need to function in the place where God has anointed you to serve

Then you will always be blessed when you follow His plans and observe

If you are called to be an usher, a greeter, children’s worker or musician

Why should you seek after a pastoral ministry position?

Even if you can minister effectively and others love to hear you speak

It’s not a sign that you are called to be a pastor or to travel full time and preach 

Stay where you have been planted and be a blessing to the shepherd over you

Then God’s blessings will be in your life and divine protection will be there, too

Beware of those who will say “I can start a church and do so much more”

They will tell you what they are going to do, but sin lieth at their door

Be on guard and keep a look out for those who are guilty of this sin

And you will not receive the results of their judgment that they will be in

If you have a pastor that is well seasoned in ministry, then stay in your place

Then you will not be misled by anyone who will try to get you off pace

Jer 3:15, "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."


Living Word Church McDonough