The Battle of Words

December 25, 2021 

Take heed to whom you listen to because words can either increase your faith or produce fear 

Words can build up your faith or they can cause your faith to disappear

Beware of the media that will keep pedaling how bad it’s going to be

Get back into faith and don’t listen to those lies, but by faith only believe

You win and lose battles everyday with the thoughts that are lodged in your mind

Stay connected to God’s Word and dwell there because it is the true vine

Many of God’s people are falling away because of what they hear

They believe the lies that are told, and therefore, they are dominated by fear

The bad news they hear is that there is a blizzard coming in and many will die

But choose to stand your ground and dwell in the secret place of the Most High

Many will become sick because of the news they listen to and believe

But, no disease can defeat a faith filled Child of God who knows how to receive

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, so you better stay on guard

Don’t meditate on negative thoughts because then your life will be very hard

The battlefield is in your thought life, so take heed to whom you listen to

Words of unbelief can bring destruction, but God’s Words can protect you

Don’t be afraid when a leader declares that a curse is coming your way

His Word has no power over you, so don’t be moved by what he has to say

If the enemy can get you to believe all the lies that the media has on display

You will be defeated in life, and eventually you will go astray

So, get out of the sinking sand of evil lies that are floating roundabout

With a Spirit of Faith in your mouth, have a Holy Ghost song and a victory shout


Living Word Church McDonough