God’s Creation  

March 23, 2021

The sea is always consistently moving out to shore

Just like God! He is always wanting to bless you more and more   

The sun is always shining and the moon reflects the light

Everything you see was created by God in the power of his might

God created the heavens and the earth. He created male and female to be

An example to show that all of God's creation are meant to be free

He cares for the fowls of the air to make sure they are fed

In the book of Genesis, all creation was created by the words that God said

All the stars, planets and galaxies has always remained in their place

While the earth is rotating precisely 24/7 on schedule by God’s grace

He made the animal kingdom and some was to supply food for man

He prepared everything for his pleasure and they came forth by his command

He made the trees, grass, plants and the clouds in the sky for a covering

All the authority was given to man to oversee with a commission of governing

What is man that God is mindful of him to give him such authority?

That all things was put under his feet for him to have superiority

Look around and see the creation that God has created for all mankind

Give him all the praise and glory for he given them to you by the Father’s design