Are You Ready For the Floodgates

Sunday June 13, 2021 

The flood gates will be opened for you when you tithe and sow your seed

If you are willing and obedient then it is a sign that you believe

If the enemy can convince you to hold on to that which is in your hand

He will take control of your finances because your house will un-successfully be built on sinking sand

Many of God's people have heard teachings on seedtime and harvest time from the word

But they have become dull of hearing and refuse to take heed to what they have heard

He who really loves me will gladly give that which rightfully belongs to me

The floodgates of the windows of heaven will be opened for them who will believe

He that knows to do good and does it not is in disobedience, which is a sin

I am not withholding finances from them, they have open the door to the enemy by letting him in

Don't store up tithes for the future thinking that one day you will have it released

You have fallen into the trap of the enemy and you will not see a harvest increase

God so love the world that he gave his best, which was his only begotten son

Giving is the manifestation of love, for this is the way victory and success will come

If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, repent and turn from their wicked ways

They will hear from heaven and a flood gate will be opened and they will enjoy the rest of their days

God is not after your money, he is after your heart because he wants to be first place

If he has your heart, he has your money then you will be spiritually fit to continue the race

There is a revival taking place in the hearts of men and women whose hearts are completely devoted to me

They will experience spiritual blessings, supernatural miracles and financial blessings more abundantly

So return your heart back to me and I will show you what I can do

I will greatly increase the fruits of your obedience and will channel much financial blessings through you