Faith is Your Victory
June 9, 2021
What happens when your faith has become weak and depleted?
You no longer have joy, faith and strength to keep you from being defeated
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word in order for you to win
When you are strong in the Lord, you can fight the fight of faith and win again
Faith is the victory that will cause you to triumph in everything you do
You will not be defeated when you have the God kind of faith working in you
Peter walked on the water to go to Jesus on that one word, come
He got his eyes off of Jesus and lost focus, then his faith became weak and numb
The walk of faith is exciting when you have a revelation of God’s will
Knowing that you have the measure of faith in you that has been instilled
Always be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might
Because faith is the victory that will cause you to overcome every faith fight
Have a Spirit of Faith in every situation that stands in your way
Be determine not to give up and keep the faith each and everyday
Sometimes faith is not easy when you are facing things that looks impossible
But when you stay consistent in what you believe, then faith will be unstoppable
Feed your faith and starve your doubts and then you will finally see
That you can have what you say when you trust in God’s Word and believe
Faith will remove every sickness and any mountain that stands in your way
Don’t you dare give up, so use your faith and command them to obey
Everything you need is inside you to be successful in everything you do
For the Armor of God, Faith, the Word and the Spirit of God resides in you
Be encouraged and know that faith in God’s Word will not let you down
Keep the switch of faith turned on and with God’s favor, things will turn around
God has dealt to every man the measure of faith so give him worship and praise
Then you will have joy, faith and his strength in you for the rest of your days