The Wind of the Holy Spirit
Aug 22, 2021
Do you know the way of the wind and in the direction that it will go
Do you know the ways of the Holy Spirit and in the direction that he will flow
The Holy Spirit is at work throughout the whole earth uplifting the souls of men
The wind of the Spirit is blowing to bring in a change through a Holy Ghost revival again
Prepare yourselves for the Spirit of the Lord will do a quick work to bring a change
It's not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord for the Spirit of God is moving to rearrange
The prayers of the righteous have been heard so be ready for the Wind of the Spirit is blowing
The Spirit of God is moving rapidly through a Spirit of seeing and a Spirit of knowing
Stay in the path of righteousness because it is the only way through heaven’s door a straight and narrow way that will lead you in the right direction so you can experience more
Many have gotten off the narrow path onto the broad and wide path that will lead to death and destruction
Because they have chosen to follow the wind of lies, deception and the wind of evil news of corruption
Do not keep your heart focused on what the devil is doing because he is a defeated foe
His days are numbered upon the earth for it has been prophesied and written long ago
Right in the midst of the storm that is raging against God's people throughout the land
The Wind of the Spirit of God is moving and God has the upper hand
So fear thou not and be not afraid for the Wind of the Spirit is moving to perform and do
Rejoice and be glad because as you walk upright and put your trust in God, He will take care of you