Aug 25, 2021
There is no justification when God’s people continues to disobey
They say, God sees my heart on what I’m doing, and says that it’s ok
But God does not agree with disobedience of any kind because it is sin
Many continue to ignore the truth and justify themselves again and again
The Word of God is true and many will disobey, and then justify
But in reality, justification comes from the evil one, the father of all lies
Once you have made a decision to follow God, then follow him all the way
Walk in obedience and don’t listen to what the mind and flesh has to say
Your flesh and the devil will try to convince you that you are doing right
But listen to what God is saying; you better obey and get back into the light
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat and enjoy the good of the land
All of God’s blessings are available to you for the decision is in your hand
Always do what is right in the sight of God and man and you will truly see
All the blessings that God has for you when you continue to plant your seed
Who do you love the most? Is it God or is it material things in life that you desire?
Seek not the things that are in the world, for all earthly things will soon be on fire
What is your life? It is as a vapor that appears for a little time and vanishes away
Walk with God and be faithful to Him in integrity and refuse to disobey
Then your life will be so full of Joy and you will see great manifestations
When you choose to walk in obedience and refuse to participate in self-justification