Through Thick and thin
I will be with you through thick and thin
But it is my desire for you to put me first place in your life again
I have always been your greatest supporter when things were down
If you will keep me in the forefront of all your ways I will turn things around
There are many cries of my people and their prayer have been heard
For their answers have already been in printed form, written in My Word
Many of my children knows the Word on how they can make it through
But they are only hearers of the Word of God and refuse to obey and to do
I was there on the very day that you were born
I knew there would be times when your life would be torn
But I had plans prepared in advance to bless you in the midst of them all
That if you stay connected to my Word then you will rise every time you fall
Life on earth is short as a vapor that will appear only for a little time
Come back into my throne room again and let’s fellowship together and dine
Many of my children have turned aside to follow their own ambition
And don’t realized they have become lukewarm and lost their vision
In My presence is fullness of Joy and this is what you need
Don’t let the cares of this life take it away so keep what you have received
Open your eyes and see the things that are taking place all around
Days of darkness upon the earth and many will fall on unstable ground
Return back to me and trust me again and I will bring you out
You will have much cause of rejoicing and much cause to shout
Your brightest days are ahead of you and your best is yet in view
Because I am the Lord of Host and as your captain, I am leading you
So arise and shine because there are great days ahead you see
It is for them who are following my plans and following after me