Windows of Opportunities

September 5, 2021

When a window of opportunity is open, it does not always mean that God opened it for you.

Remember to be led by the Spirit of God so that a wrong decision you will not pursue

The decisions you make can affect your future either, for good or cause you to go astray

Spend quality time in God's presence and in His Word and take time to sincerely pray

Where will you live? What will you do? What church will you attend for you and your family?

Many things to consider in a window of opportunity because it can bring about a different reality.

You predict your future by the decisions you make by all things you say and do

Keep God number one for His plans are not to bring harm or hurt, but to bring blessings to you

There is a way that seems right unto a man, but in the process of time it will speak

Many have missed God’s blessing because they didn't take time to ask or to seek

Your future was prepare for you before the foundation of the world so that you can succeed

Don't do as others have done by following the voice of their flesh and saying what will be will be

Many have become cold in their heart because when making decisions, they left God out

Their desires have dwindled down and no longer have a hunger or a Holy Ghost shout

God's Word says that the righteous don't make haste, so slow down and walk in the light

Listen to God's voice and don't walk in the flesh, then the decisions you make will be right

Let Jesus be the Lord of your decisions then you won't have any major issues to resolve

Because you were led by the Spirit of God and in your decisions God was involved


Living Word Church McDonough