A Psalm of Worship and Thanksgiving
By Pastor Moss September 8, 2021
You alone are worthy. You alone are worthy of my praise
I will bow my knees in worship, for I will worship you all of my days
I surrender all my thoughts on you Lord, for you are my only desire
Early in the morning will I seek after you to light my fire
When the enemy tries to rob me of my health, I am reminded of your word
I will hold fast to what I believe because my faith is in what I have heard
When I am tempted to give up and lose hope to turn and go another way
You are always there to remind me to hold fast to what I believe and that I can have whatsoever I say
Lord! You are quick to forgive me when I step out of faith into doubt
When I come and ask for mercy, you cleanse me with your blood again and turn me round about
Lord, I put my trust in you for meeting my every need and for giving me financial wealth
I praise and worship you always for healing my body and for giving me health
My soul makes diligent search for the one I love, for you are the one I love
I will declare to everyone that you are good and that you are my gift from above
Bless the Lord all ye people and give him praise, for he is seated on the throne of His grace
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, so you have everything you need to run the race
I’m encouraged knowing what I am going through is only temporary.
Even when everything is against my faith, and my emotions are high and contrary
The Lord is my Shepherd and He is watching over me. I will march onward and will not break rank
There is nothing impossible for me when I put my trust in God, even when the devil says I can't
Today is the day that I will let the devil know that I am not alone and that my future is bright
I am God’s child and in the Name of Jesus, I am going to keep walking in the light
I will say this is my day to enjoy all that God has for me, so Satan! Get thee behind
I declare in the Name of Jesus that everything that pertains to life belongs to me and is mine
Thank you Lord for reminding me of all your goodness and your kindness towards me
I'm going to rejoice and be glad today because whom the Lord has set free, is free indeed