God Hears Me When I Pray
Feb 18, 2022
When the devil tells me that I do not have the answer to my prayer
I say, Shut up Satan in the Name of Jesus for this is what the Word of God declares
If I ask the Father anything in the Name of Jesus, then it is mine
So, you lying devil, in the Name of Jesus get thee behind
It is written in God's Word that if I ask in faith, then I will receive
I know that God has heard my prayer and my manifestation is soon to be
I will hold fast to the prayer of faith that I have prayed
I will not be double minded that could cause my answers to be delayed
I have full assurance and confidence that when I go to God in prayer
No matter where I am when I pray, I know that God will always meet me there
Satan, I will not let you rob me of the answers that I receive when I pray
I command you in the Name of Jesus to leave me alone and get out of my way
God's Word says that the prayers of the righteous man avails much
I pray for my family in the Name of Jesus for they are delivered and you cannot touch
The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and His ears are open unto my prayers
When I approach Him in prayer, He is well able for me to cast on Him all my cares
I will approach the throne room with freedom of speech and will not be fearful, or afraid
I am in God’s family through the shed blood of the Lamb for my redemption has been made
Satan, in the Name of Jesus, I will not listen to your lies
God has heard my prayers and He has responded to all of my cries
Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think according to the power that is working in me
I declare in the Name of Jesus that through faith and prayer, I will always be victorious and free