Where is Your Miracle?
Jan 15, 2022
There is a miracle in your mouth when you speak faith and believe
When it’s released by the tongue with expectation, then you will receive
Hold fast to the confession of your faith and don't wavier or delay
The miracle that you are believing God for has been spoken and is on the way
You cannot speak words of faith and speak words of doubt at the same time
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways, so only speak words of the God kind
When you can see your miracle by faith, it will come to pass, if you don't doubt
Then you will have much cause for rejoicing and much cause for a victory shout
If you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, there will be nothing impossible for you
What you say will come to pass and the miracle you desire will be your breakthrough
The miracle you need is in your mouth and you can have whatsoever you say
Jesus said, through faith you can speak to a mountain and it will be moved out of your way
A mountain could be sickness or a disease in your body that has brought you pain
Speak God’s Word against it in faith and command it to be removed in Jesus Name
There is power and authority in the Name of Jesus and in the Word, so take a stand
The miracle that you need is inside waiting for you through faith to take command
God specializes in miracles and whatever you need is already available for you
God will perform His Word, so speak them in faith and your miracle will come through
Faith and believing comes from the heart, for that is where dreams and miracles comes from
Everything that pertains to life and godliness is there and is released by the tongue
Miracles can also appear when a believer takes action to God’s Word
Faith will bring miracles into reality when a believer acts on what they have heard
There is a miracle in actions and in your mouth when you believe and speak with great expectation
Give God all the praise and glory for what He has shown you through great revelation