God Is Working On Your Behalf

Jan 6, 2022

The devil cannot tell the truth, so don't you be concern

God is working on your behalf and soon you will see things turn

The devil is mad with vengeance because Jesus defeated him long ago

It doesn't matter what the devil says; God says you are healthy, healed and whole

Don't you dare give up because you know that God is on your side

Let the devil know that in the Name of Jesus, you will no longer listen to his lies

A new year has arrived and the tide will turn in your favor

You will not quit or be dismayed. You are getting stronger and will not wavier

There will be times in your weaknesses when you will feel abandoned and alone

But when you are weak in your own strength, then in Christ you are strong

Great days are ahead of you and they will be glorious, exciting and fun

Stay on course and don’t draw back, so just pick up the pace and run

Remember, who you are in Christ and also, the times when He brought you out

Your best is yet to come. God will do it again, and you will have cause to shout

Fear not the things that are coming on the earth by letting your faith be shaken

When you go through the valley of testing and trials, it will not be taken

Encourage yourself in the Lord and know that your past has been forgiven

His mercies are new every morning, and you will have great joy in living

Take your place in Christ Jesus by speaking the Word of God, expecting to win

For this is your day to let the devil know that you will not listen to his lies again

When he comes to you with a spirit of deception to see if he can prevail

Resist him in the Name of Jesus and say, No Satan!  I'm not for sale