You must take My Word in you and proclaim in the presence of the enemy that you are a representative of Me. You are a representative of the Kingdom of God. Take my Word and resist him, and he will flee because of My Word; for My Word is Me. He is a defeated fold. Every sickness and every disease is under your feet. Every lack and every spirit of poverty is under your feet. Every circumstance that comes against you that does not please you is under your feet. You must arise and take your stand and be what I have anointed you to be. I have anointed you and called you to be Kings and Priests unto Me. I have declared and decreed according to My Word that you are My children, and you shall reign in life. Reigning in life comes from the authority that I have given to you. Behold, I have given you all authority to bind devils, and in My Name, cast them out. You have been given authority to have prosperity come to you. It is not in My hands saith the Spirit of Grace, Behold! It is in your hands. When you speak to your finances they will increase, but you must be willing and obedient to My commands in order for faith to work on your behalf. Faith works by obedience, so therefore, continue to obey My Word. Oh! I have anointed you and you are under the shadow of the Almighty God and I am your refuge in times of trouble; and I will hasten My shield about you and I will watch over My Word that you have spoken. There are angels that have been sent and they will harken to the words that you have spoken. They are also my representative from heaven, now they are at your disposal waiting for your words to be spoken. Proclaim in the presence of the enemy that you are a representative of Me, so rejoice and be glad, and enjoy My blessings.