God works in many ways that you cannot see
Just be patient because what you are going through is only temporary
Things can change overnight as you stay faithful and true
He has heard the cries of your heart and is working things out for you
Do you remember the Word of God that said He cannot lie
Even in the midst of the storm, He is always with you to abide
God does not want you to give up and quit because of how you feel
Rise up and keep on pursuing the dream, for it will soon be revealed
No, you cannot see what God is doing behind the scene
You had some bad times, but your heart’s desire will soon be seen
Daniel was cast in the lion’s den to be devoured and killed
But, God brought him out and He will do the same for you still
God sees and know things that you are not able to comprehend
He has taken care of you in the past, and He will do it again
Don’t worry about your future because of the enemies attack
You have favor with God and He is bringing all your blessings back
You have prayed, confessed and wept many times during the storm
Encouraged yourself for you have not been forgotten, so don’t be alarmed
Some things that you are believing God for may look impossible to change
But, remember who you serve, He is God Almighty, and can redo and rearrange
Arise and shine for your light has come to encourage you today
God is moving things around for you and is leading the way
Stay faithful in your prayers and your confessions by serving Christ, the Son
Soon your victory will appear, and you will say, Look what the Lord has done!