Many will come to you and say, What happened to you? And you shall say, I'm brand new. I'm changed. For the greater one lives in me. It shall be that your life will totally change, if you continue to follow me. Those that you know closest to you will notice a change, and that change on the inside of you is me. So, no longer see yourself the way you have been seeing you, but see yourself the way I see you. I see you above only. Therefore, rejoice, for these are the days of change from glory to glory, from faith to faith. These are the days to change from being cold to being hot for me. These are the days of change from being lukewarm to being on fire for me. Trust me for I am your Lord and I will lead you, take care of you and watch over you, and what you have been believing me for, I have heard the cry of your heart. I have always been there, but the enemy is trying to defeat you in your thought life, but don't you go there. For you know I am on the inside of you, you know that I am Jehovah Rapha, the Lord that healeth thee. So, come out from among the evil thoughts and learn of me, for I am meek, and I will do what I said I would do. I'll watch over my Word to perform it. Stir up yourself in my Word and hold fast to the confession of your faith and it shall be, for it has been spoken unto you. See yourself free and you will be free indeed. See yourself renewed and then, right in the midst of the situation and right in the midst of the storms of life, a laughter will rise up, a laughter of that anointing will come forth and you shall know without a doubt that I confirm my Word with signs following. Don't be moved by what is in the present now. No, only be moved by what you believe. You believe in me. I heard your prayer and the answer is in your heart, and the manifestation is on its way. For it shall be, shall be soon, very soon, and beginning today you shall see an increase of the anointing in your body.